Please contact me at or call (850) 377-2709 if you have another question or want to book an appointment.
My rate typically starts at $100 per hour, but it is negotiable based on the number of hours needed.
My tutoring format is 100% online using Skype and Microsoft OneNote, which are both free apps! With OneNote, you can permanently access all session notes. I can also use Skype to record sessions for your review. All tutoring sessions are private, which means they are never shared with another person or posted online.
I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you do not cancel within 24 hours or more of your appointment time, you must pay a cancellation fee equal to one hour of tutoring time with exceptions only in emergencies. Since you are filling a time slot that other students may need, it is important to cancel as soon as you know you cannot attend the session.
Absolutely! Retaking a class will cause you to not only lose your money, but also waste valuable time and opportunity when you could prepare yourself to pass the class now. If you are in danger of receiving a poor grade or failing your chemistry class, the cost of retaking that class again will more than likely outweigh the cost of tutoring. Additionally, many programs are competitive based on GPA, so it is important to get a good grade the first time you take the course! Retaking a class may also make you have to delay your graduation.